Welcome to h2mtdxs website!

About this site.

If you see this page, the h2mtdxs website is working properly.

The following buttons may not be delivered due to maintenance or other reasons. In that case, please wait a while and try again.

Thank you for visiting the h2mtdxs website.

In operation or in progress.
Redmine WordPress

GitBucket(Src) GitBucket(Doc)

GitBucket(Illust) SpringBoot(This Page)

nginx(This Page) Piwigo

Cockpit(X250Aji KVM)

Under development, etc.
Django Blazor(.NET8)

Payara(JakartaEE10) Nextcloud

End of experiment, garbage, etc.
PhotoPrism(X250Aji) Apache2+Tomcat10

Tomcat10 Apache2

This page was created using SpringBoot3, MySQL8, and MyBatis.
It controls the display of menu names and manages URLs.

(C)2023-2024 h2mtdxs